What is Celebes coffee?


– Celebes coffee, also known as Sulawesi coffee, is grown on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia
– It has a strong, earthy taste with hints of chocolate and a slight sweetness
– Wet-processing method results in smooth, less acidic flavor
– Beans are elongated and have a greenish-blue color
– More expensive due to labor-intensive processing and limited production
– Used in specialty coffee blends and sometimes in liqueurs and other specialty drinks
– Production has been challenged by climate change and coffee leaf rust fungus
– Highly sought after and an important part of the coffee industry in Indonesia

Celebes coffee, also known as Sulawesi coffee, is a type of coffee that is grown on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. The island, which is located in the eastern region of Indonesia, is known for its high-quality coffee, which is produced in the regions of Tana Toraja, Enrekang, and Gowa.

Celebes coffee is known for its unique flavor profile, which is characterized by a strong, earthy taste with hints of chocolate and a slight sweetness. This is due in part to the unique growing conditions on the island, which include high altitudes and volcanic soil. The coffee is also wet-processed, which means that the beans are fermented in water before they are dried, resulting in a smoother, less acidic flavor.

One of the most notable characteristics of Celebes coffee is its appearance. The beans are often elongated and have a distinctive greenish-blue color, which is a result of the wet-processing method. They are also often more expensive than other types of coffee due to the labor-intensive nature of the wet-processing method and the limited amount of coffee produced on the island.

Celebes coffee is often used in specialty coffee blends and is highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs. It is also sometimes used in the production of liqueurs and other specialty drinks.

In recent years, the production of Celebes coffee has faced a number of challenges, including climate change and the spread of coffee leaf rust, a fungus that can significantly reduce crop yields. However, efforts are being made to address these issues and ensure the continued production of high-quality Celebes coffee.

Overall, Celebes coffee is a unique and highly sought-after type of coffee that is known for its distinctive flavor profile and appearance. It is an important part of the coffee industry in Indonesia and is enjoyed by coffee lovers around the world.

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